They are very good to work with and seems very knowledgeable, Several changes and updates have been made to help attract clients and new offerings and promotions will be posted soon. We have discussed this issues ( that I had) and they are determined to working towards rectifying the issue of conversions to income/business/clients for me.

M. Thibodeau

Is SEO on life support?

Posted On : Thursday, March 19th, 2015| By admin

Somehow yes... Search Engine Optimization became very popular a couple of years ago when marketers discovered that search engines were using their own algorithm to sort websites by search inquiries. Their first algorithm was not very intricate and it was very easy for "SEO Experts" to fake a good reputation. Building backlinks was the way to go. You could pay less than $100 and get thousands of backlinks made by a data entry robot. Now, backlinks still count but "quality" is much more...

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How can you ask for a testimonial?

Posted On : Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014| By admin

Let's make it clear, a fake testimonial is easy to do. " I used your products for 6 month and I have seen a huge difference, I can't believe what I see everyday when I look at myself in the mirror" - P. Martin 20 seconds... Such testimonials have no credibility and can even harm your business. However, a proper testimonial is a great marketing tool. 1- Ask for full name and location 2- If you can get a testimonial from a well-known person, go for it. 3- If you can get a picture,...

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